Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Store updated

Been meaning to do this for awhile, but I've updated the store. Some of purchase links were no longer active. God knows when this happened. This whole capitalism thing still perplexes me.

Anyways, there are now working purchase links for the both the Joey and Johnny shirts. Look for a couple new shirts soon. Also, the Lester Bangs shirt is apparently no longer available. I'll try to fix that, but for now, it's gone.

Also, again unbeknownst to me the SLG online store no longer has copies of Punk Rock & Trailer Parks, as they methodically back out of the comix biz.  Dan Vado is now running a music club in his former warehouse. Sounds like a great place. The only place to get copies from here on is from me at shows, or from.... insert sinister music.... Amazon. Yeah, Amazon will continue to be re-stocked. I usually encourage folks to shop anywhere but Amazon, but in this case there's no other option, so have at it.

If you're fine with eBooks, Comixology offers an excellent version of  PR&TP. It's done very well there and I actually get a quarterly royalty payment from these guys, so I encourage people to opt for that.

Sometime this summer I'll be putting up a selection of original art, so look for that.